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You may be new to creative problem solving. You may be looking for an easy way to explain the program. Either way it is difficult to put down in words exactly what CPS is.

Anyone who has ever been involved in this program knows that it is an invaluable experience. It's true that competition is a major component of CPS, but it is also about teamwork, creativity, and having fun. There is something truly unique and rewarding about letting kids create something entirely on their own. For someone who has not experienced CPS, it is hard to comprehend just how much effort, time, and excitement go into solving the problems. Someone once said that it takes a year of involvment to really understand what it's all about.

The journey from problem to solution starts in the fall when teams purchase a membership. There are always five problems to choose from: presentation, vehicle, structure, technical, and improv. Each with a time and cost limit, the teams shape their solutions following the requirements presented in the central challenge. They also develop side trips to enhance the performance. The central challenge and side trips are worth 300 points combined. On competition day (the first is usually in March), teams present the central c hallenge to a panel of judges. They are also given an instant challenge where they must solve a performance or task based challenge in a limited amount of points. This accounts for another 100 points of the final score. Winners advance to the next level of competition and awards are also given for spirit, skill, and creativity.